Qui-Gon Show Notes

Qui-Gon Jinn



He's almost like a monk, an old-time warrior who is wise and quite philosophical, yet very skilled in martial arts. He has incredible confidence, as well as a magical quality that enables him to see into the future. He's not really a rebel, but he has his own code.

- Liam Neeson



Star Wars Quotes Twitterren: ""Always remember: Your focus determines your  reality."-Qui-Gon Jinn, to Anakin Skywalker, The Phantom Menace  https://t.co/1KiplDWczc" / Twitter

Your focus determines your reality



Qui-Gon apprenticed to Dooku for years, adopting many traits and qualities, including an obsession with prophecy, and disregard for bureaucracy.



Qui-Gon Jinn’s green lightsaber



"It matters which side we choose. Even if there will never be more light than darkness. Even if there can be no more joy in the galaxy than there is pain. For every action we undertake, for every word we speak, for every life we touch, it matters. I don't turn toward the light because it means someday I'll win some sort of cosmic game. I turn toward it because it is the light."

- Qui-Gon Jinn


Claudia Gray's short story in the anthology "From A Certain Point of View" gives us a glimpse into Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's relationship in Ben's later years. When Luke runs off to check on his aunt and uncle, Jinn appears to Kenobi while they are burning the Jawa bodies. It's a beautifully written story and is full of lore-expanding ideas and additions. This story in particular was actually posted on starwars.com and you can read it here.



“I was always here, you were just not ready to see”

- Qui Gon to Obi Wan on Tatooine



Extra Greeblies


Qui-Gon and his wookie best friend Brennann reuniting at Life Day on Kashyyyk.



Cleegslist missed connections 😢 #shmigon