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Join Al and Mikel for the final episode covering the last half of the Kenobi series! Al shares hi...
Join Al and Mikel for the final episode covering the last half of the Kenobi series! Al shares his love of tiny, helpful things, and we dig into Vader, Reva, Kenobi, and the exciting finale! These episodes have taken us all the way to Shili, so we may have to cut this one a little short...
Around the Holonet:
Instagram: @smugglersdispatch
YouTube: smugglersdispatch
Production Credits:
Written By: Mikel Howarth & Alex Stewart
Produced By: Mikel Howarth
Directed By: Mikel Howarth, Alex Stewart, and C-B7
Thank you for listening! May the force be with you, and may the stars light your way!