Still curious about the planet and the people, Al and Mikel have a casual conversation about Duchess Satine over a cup of caf.
Satine Kryze: Duchess of Mandalore
"This newly formed Council of Neutral Systems will stand on principles, not violence. For once we commit to violence, we have already lost. Extremism is rising across the galaxy. It must be extinguished before more lives are lost. There is only one solution for all of us, on all sides: de-escalation. And there is only one path to de-escalation: refusing to contribute to this war."
- Satine Kryze
Satine greeting Obi-Wan on Mandalore after many years apart.
While dedicated to pacifism, Satine still occasionally found the need to defend herself.
Satine's design came from an unused sketch by Ian McCaig of Padme Amidala for The Phantom Menace.
Ewan McGregor played a character in love with another Satine in Baz Luhrman's Moulin Rouge. Their scenes of their deaths also bear a striking resemblance.
Satine's final words were "Remember my dear Obi-Wan, I've loved you always...I always will." Obi-Wan himself admitted to her that if she had asked him to leave the Jedi for her, he would have.
Around the Holonet:
Email: smugglersdispatch@gmail.com
Instagram: @smugglersdispatch
YouTube: smugglersdispatch
Production Credits:
Written By: Mikel Howarth & Alex Stewart
Produced By: Mikel Howarth
Directed By: Mikel Howarth, Alex Stewart, and C-B7
Thank you for listening! May the force be with you, and may the stars light your way!