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The Smuggler's Dispatch

After a rough landing in the swamplands of Dagobah, the crew of the Raven find themselves uncovering the abode of a great Jedi, and Al and Mikel can't help but share the history and mystery of master Yoda himself!

Join us as we cover every nook, crannie and wrinkle on the old puppet, from his inception and design, to the incredible performance by Frank Oz, and even a bit about his unique history and a couple of other similar beings in the Star Wars universe that were inspired by the old green force-weilder!

Yoda: A True Jedi Master


"The greatest teacher, failure is. Luke... we are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters."

- Yoda


Yoda Almost Looked Like a Garden Gnome, Plus 4 More Early Star Wars  Character Concepts |

Luke and Yoda by Ralph McQuarrie | Star wars concept art, Star wars art,  Star wars images

Early Yoda concept art took inspiration from garden gnomes and old gnarled wizards. 


Stuart Freeborn Remembered |

Stuart Freeborn sculpted the final model of Yoda's character, and modelled the character after his own face.


Muppet History 💕 on X: "Mark Hamill, Yoda, and Frank Oz." / X

Frank Oz came from the world of puppeteering and voice acting in Jim Henson's work, lending his skills to bringing Yoda to life. He is also an accomplished director.


THE PHANTOM MENACE Improves Slightly with CGI Yoda

In the theatrical release of The Phantom Menace, Yoda's character was seen as a puppet, puppeteered yet again by Frank Oz. In later releases of the film, Yoda's appearances were replaced with CG, arguably as a more recognizable Yoda.


Clones at 20 | Rob Coleman on Bringing Yoda, Dexter Jettster, and More to  Digital Life - Jedi News

Rob Coleman was the "digital puppeteer" behind the digital version of Yoda seen in the final version of Episode 1.


Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi is a Decent Movie – Pointy Hat Cast

In Rian Johnson's Last Jedi, Yoda appears again as a puppet, carefully recreated from the original design of 1976.


Destiny (episode) | Wookieepedia | Fandom

Voiced by Tom Kane, Yoda faces the dark side in season 5 of the Clone Wars. 


Yaddle |

Phil Eason puppeteered the character Yaddle in Attack of the Clones. She is a member of the Jedi Council and the same unknown species as Yoda.


The Most Iconic Master Yoda Scenes — CultureSlate

"Judge me by my size do you?"


Around the Holonet:
Instagram: @smugglersdispatch
YouTube: smugglersdispatch

Production Credits:
Written By: Mikel Howarth & Alex Stewart
Produced By: Mikel Howarth
Directed By: Mikel Howarth, Alex Stewart, and C-B7


Thank you for listening! May the force be with you, and may the stars light your way!