April 11, 2024

Episode 32: The Death Star

After a narrow escape on the swamp planet Dagobah, the crew finds a link to one of the most dangerous weapons ever created in the galaxy - The Death Star. Join Al, Mikel, and CB as they dive into every trench, thermal exhaust port, and superglued panel on the iconic battle station. Digging into…
Feb. 11, 2024

Episode 31: Yoda: A True Jedi Master

After a rough landing in the swamplands of Dagobah, the crew of the Raven find themselves uncovering the abode of a great Jedi, and Al and Mikel can't help but share the history and mystery of master Yoda himself! Join us as we cover every nook, crannie and wrinkle on the old puppet, from his in…
Jan. 20, 2024

Episode 30: The Legacy of Life Day

Grab a Wookie Cookie and join Al and Mikel on a special holiday voyage to explore the enduring influence Life Day has had on the Star Wars universe!
Sept. 24, 2023

Episode 29: Din Djarin: The Mandalorian

At last the crew makes it to the glassy green surface of the once luscious world of Mandalore, and this time Al and Mikel are taking a deep dive into the titular Mandalorian himself - Din Djarin. Come aboard for a journey through the history of what eventually brought the Mandalorian to the life, g…
Sept. 1, 2023

Episode 28: Casual Cantina - Bo-Katan Kryze: Sister, Warrior, and Heiress to Mandalore

Al and Mikel get a second hand Holotactics table on the Raven, which starts a conversation about another of Mandalore's great leaders, Bo-Katan Kryze! Put on your tactical bucket and join us around the table for a cantina chat about the Nite Owl herself!
Aug. 22, 2023

Episode 27: Casual Cantina - Satine Kryze: The Pacifist Duchess of Mandalore

Still curious about the planet and the people, Al and Mikel have a casual conversation about Duchess Satine over a cup of caf.
Aug. 5, 2023

Episode 26: Mandalore: The Storied History of an Ancient Homeworld

Orbiting the surface of the desolated planet Mandalore, the crew of the Raven V discuss the habit...
July 21, 2023

Episode 25: Fan Films: A Strange and Wonderful World

Dust off your old Holoprojector, and join us in celebrating a hand-picked collection of the best ...
June 25, 2023

Episode 24: Canto Bight: The Jewel of Cantonica

The crew finds themselves on the glittering shores of Canto Bight for some clandestine business, hitting some snags and making some new friends along the way. Al and Mikel finally get a transmission out that's all about the Jewel of Cantonica, and what may lie beneath its glamorous surface...
Feb. 27, 2023

Episode 23: Qui-Gon Jinn: A True Believer

Join us for a dissection of potentially the greatest Jedi of all time, Qui-Gon Jinn. After a fitful night for Alex onboard the Raven, the crew waxes poetic about force ghosts, the origin of Jinn's name, his connection with his master and padawan, and even a wookie best friend. Let your focus determ…
Jan. 28, 2023

Episode 22: The Millennium Falcon: A Ship Fit For A Scoundrel

In this episode Mikel and Alex explore the rich and fascinating history behind our favorite freight vessel in all the galaxy, The Millennium Falcon
Jan. 13, 2023

Episode 21: The Dark Side of the Force

Join us! And together we'll learn all about the power of the Sith, the Dark Side of the Force!
Dec. 17, 2022

Episode 20: The Star Wars Holiday Special

Join our hosts Mikel Howarth and Alex Stewart as they Jetset across the galaxy and time itself (u...
Dec. 4, 2022

Episode 19: Galactic Starcruiser (Part 3 of 3): Forging Your Own Path

Come aboard the Halcyon one last time as we approach the end of our journey on the Galactic Starc...
Nov. 25, 2022

Episode 18: Galactic Starcruiser (Part 2 of 3): Dressing the Part (Featuring Sara Jay Mac and Steven Mac)

As Al and Mikel get ready for their first day on board the Halcyon, they run into some unexpected...
Nov. 12, 2022

Episode 17: Galactic Starcruiser (Part 1 of 3): Welcome to Chandrila Star Lines (Preparing for your Galactic Starcruiser trip)

Join Mikel and Alex in preparation for a voyage on the glamorous CSL Starcruiser, the Halcyon! As...
Oct. 28, 2022

Episode 16: Escape to Chandrila: A Smuggler's Dispatch Audio Adventure

After months of searching, the crew is closer than ever to discovering the secrets of the mysteri...
Aug. 31, 2022

Episode 15: Ahsoka Tano: A Fulcrum in the Force

Al and Mikel have finally arrived on Shili to meet L4, the mysterious droid Ceebee is certain can...
Aug. 10, 2022

Episode 14: Casual Cantina: Kenobi Series pt. 3

Join Al and Mikel for the final episode covering the last half of the Kenobi series! Al shares hi...
July 28, 2022

Episode 13: Casual Cantina: Kenobi Series pt. 2

Re-join Mikel and Al for a couple of Toydarian Tauntauns as they continue their discussion of the...
July 14, 2022

Episode 12: Casual Cantina: Kenobi Series pt. 1

Join Mikel and Al for a glass of Blue (or green) milk at Avilatan's cantina on Ord Mantell as the...
May 25, 2022

Episode 11: Droids: Beyond the Restraining Bolt

Al and Mikel dive deep into the oil bath this time as C-B7 has inspired them to see things from a...
May 4, 2022

Episode 10: May The Fourth Be With You: A bonus episode celebrating Star Wars Day with the community!

There's a celebration of the galaxy far far away happening onboard the Raven V today! Come join u...
April 28, 2022

Episode 9: Darth Maul: Chaos from the Dark

In this episode Al and Mikel dig into the tragic life and origins of one of the infamous child of...